Takedown Notice

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SAGEdox - Takedown Notice

Please enter your company’s name exactly how it’s listed in your registration with the Secretary of State’s office.
Title of the copyrighted work being infringed upon.
The date the copyrighted work was originally created.
Provide a detailed description of how the infringement occurred, including specific instances, dates, and locations where the infringing material is being used. Attach evidence such as screenshots, links, or any relevant documentation.
Describe the specific actions that must cease, e.g., posting online, printing, distribution, public performance, etc.
Insert a reasonable timeframe, e.g., 15 business days.
List any evidence or supporting documents attached.
Your professional or job title within the company (e.g., CEO, President).

I agree to SAGE Dox, Inc.'s Terms of Use (https://sagedox.com/terms-of-use) and Privacy Policy (https://sagedox.com/privacy-policy).